Newborn vs baby photography (3, 6 and 9 months)

Babies grow up quicker than we could ever imagine. Most moms are not sure when to hire a photographer and the differences between newborn, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months old baby photos. Here are some samples of babies in different age and each stage is unique.


Newborn Photography

The ideal age to photograph a newborn is between 7 and 14 days old. Newborns sleep more deeply at this age and have greater flexibility and ease of posture. We also want to avoid any potential instances of newborn acne which usually flares up between  2 and 3 weeks of age.



3 months Baby Photography

At this juncture, the babies’ neck and upper-body strength start to develop.  One of the best ways to photograph 3 months old babies is to have them lying on their stomach. They are now able to support their head and chest with their arms, but not yet able to turn their body on their own. This being the case, the baby is able to stay still for some cute photos.


6 months Baby Photography

The ability to roll has usually arrived by now! Not only can babies now roll from their backs to their stomach and back again, they can also rise up on their hands and knees. Typically 6 month old baby photos feature a lot more action, movement and poses compared to earlier ages.

9 months Baby Photography

The crawler is here! Starting at this age onwards, it’s all about the chase 🙂 They can now crawl, sit, roll and change into any positions easily. It’s a lot more challenging to pose the baby now. The best shots are often spontaneous where we let the babies be and just have fun! 
Every moment of your baby’s first 9 months is special. Capture those memories forever! Speak to your photographer early to ensure you have all the precious moments covered!
Stay tuned for more tips on newborn, maternity and baby photography
byJanelle, your hong kong newborn and maternity photographer

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